The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection (Volume I)
Edited by Matthew Levering
Foreword by Bishop Robert Barron
The Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), a gathering of Catholic bishops from around the world, was one of the most significant cultural and ecclesiastical events of the twentieth century. Though practically everyone acknowledges its importance, Catholics have been debating its precise meaning and application for the past sixty years. On the one hand are “radical traditionalists” who claim that Vatican II has betrayed authentic Catholicism and produced disastrous consequences in the life of the Church; on the other, “progressives” who saw the council documents as a first step in the direction of a more radical reform of the Church, perpetuating the “spirit” of Vatican II.
But even as many voices have argued about the council since the documents appeared in the mid-1960s, the documents of Vatican II are still widely unread, and if they are read, often misunderstood. This groundbreaking new book from Word on Fire is designed to address that problem.
The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection features the four central documents that most fully articulate the vision of the council—Dei Verbum, Lumen Gentium, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and Gaudium et Spes—with illuminating commentary from the postconciliar popes and Bishop Robert Barron interspersed throughout, along with beautifully carved linocut art. The collection also includes the opening address of Pope St. John XXIII, the closing address of Pope St. Paul VI, a foreword from Bishop Barron, an afterword from theologian Matthew Levering, and helpful appendices listing key terms and figures and answering frequently asked questions. The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection is a robust but readable journey into the true history and purpose of the Second Vatican Council, and a compelling call for an enthusiastic return to its texts today.
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The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection: Decrees and Declarations
Decrees and Declarations
Edited by Matthew Levering
Foreword by Bishop Robert Barron
The Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), a gathering of Catholic bishops from around the world, was one of the most significant cultural and religious events of the twentieth century. Though practically everyone acknowledges its importance, Catholics have been debating its precise meaning and application for the past sixty years. On the one hand are “radical traditionalists” who claim that Vatican II betrayed authentic Catholicism and produced disastrous consequences in the life of the Church; on the other, “progressives” who saw the council documents as a first step toward more substantial changes in the Church.
But even as debate over the council rages on, not enough Catholics have actually read or properly understood its texts. Word on Fire continues to address this problem in the second volume of its groundbreaking Vatican II Collection.
This elegant hardcover volume contains the twelve declarations and decrees issued by the council, rounding out its entire corpus of documents. In these pages, you will discover the Church’s teaching on education, religious freedom, evangelization, and more. While shorter and lesser-known than the four major constitutions, these additional texts are nevertheless essential to communicating the very heart of Vatican II.
Like the first volume, Declarations and Decrees features commentary from the postconciliar popes and Bishop Robert Barron to help readers understand how the Church authoritatively interprets different passages. It also includes a foreword by Bishop Barron, an afterword by theologian Matthew Levering, and helpful appendices listing key terms, figures, and answers to frequently asked questions. The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection is a robust and readable journey into the true history and purpose of the Second Vatican Council, and a compelling call for an enthusiastic return to its texts today.
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